Remote Video Inspections for HCV Landlords

Happy New Year! In our commitment to continue providing affordable housing options to Mobile County residents, and foster a great relationship with you as our Landlord Partner, Mobile Housing Authority (MHA) would like to update you on changes happening in 2022.

The COVID-19 Self Certification Forms for Initial Move-In Inspections expired December 31, 2021. As of January 1, 2022, all move-ins must be preceded by Remote Video Inspection (RVI). Once the Request for Tenancy (RFTA) has been reviewed and processed, the Inspections Department will contact you with inspection appointment details and your Zoom link. The unit must be move in ready and completely empty. The participant MAY NOT occupy the unit until it has passed the RVI. Although the inspection is conducted remotely, the inspector will not move forward if the unit is occupied.

Should you have any questions, please email us at, and one of our team members will respond at our earliest opportunity.

We appreciate your partnership.

Mobile Housing Authority
Housing Choice Voucher Program

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